Saturday, June 19, 2010

SOSI hwaiting !

I hate how people criticizing someone when they are not even seen or hear clearly a thing !!!! I got really pissed off when I saw those antis bashing Tiffany from SNSD!

To all the antis, do admit you are just jealous of her! That’s no point for you all being so mean all the times, pathetic for your lives that only full of hatred and jealousy to SNSD … God Bless you!

Let’s end this! Stop bashing Tiffany or other SNSD members again for your own sake and stop saying something that offended them because you are 1000 times ruder than them, don’t say they are rude. For the assholes who said Tiffany does not shave in the skirt lifting accident, fuck off to your home and watch your porn, do not acting hanky-panky here and said out these stupid words with your ass, fucker!!!!

I'm proud to be a S♡NE