Just woke up from a noon nap and it made myself distinctly understood that I really have a great phobia about MATHEMATICS !!!!!!!! pffft….
I have a nightmare about I failed my maths for my final exam ! or suppose I call it a NOONmare ?? FML … Maths exam was over and yet I still can’t escape from the devil maths ‘s clutches. There was too many obstacles on the day I was taking maths exam like my calculator was stolen by Seng Hai . Sorry Seng Hai,I don’t know why the person can be you and why you wanna steal my calculator??? Fortunately, you returned my calculator and it was only one hour left for me to do the maths paper! WTF, I spent the first hour chasing over the thief and some more it was happened at the underground car park opposite the exam venue, fxxking hot okay ! The most absurd part was my exam venue, it wasn’t my school but a damn freaking old & tall building that don’t have a lift and we need to climb up don’t know how many hundred floors to take our exam . LMAO… haven’t taken the exam I think many people already die in the half way climbing up especially those with asthma XD
I thought luck was on my side after I got back my calculator and had a marathon to reach my exam venue. Soon, I proved that GOD and UTAR hate me when I opened my exam paper, 60 questions to be completed in the one hour left, previously past year paper only have 4 questions, I’m not really sure others have the same moron paper as mine, I just knew I was collapsed ! I only able to finish 13 questions out of 60 when time’s up, how tragic T_______________________T