Alright, this time no Tiffany's birthday, no Jessica's birthday,no Taeyeon's birthday, no Yuri's birthday, no Yoona's birthday or who who else birthday because
IT'S MY BIRTHDAY !!!! *claps claps claps*

Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to Esther
Happy Birthday to me
These are from my family:
Strawberry Marshmallow Cheesecake,cousin made cupcakes,cloth,wallet and some red packets aka angpow and my baby watch i gonna get you when i'm in Australia,wait for meeeeee !!

Where do I go ? LOL,i am going to celebrate my birthday !

OMO LOOK AT THIS!!!!!!!!!! Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby Baby ~~
All my buddies from the L gang..kamsahamnida,thanks thanks thanks!! I love you all and SNSD love you all too.
Thanks for the time we had yesterday, we have a great sing k and dinner moments(please erase the memory we met that 8po family in the cafe ^6^) and i really love the games we played at dataran pahlawan's field.This was really so fuuuuuuuuuuuuuny to see everyone butt got hit LMAO.Mahn, you should thanks to us too,at least you have a butt now XDDDDD !
and also my Elaineeeeeeeeeee, thanks for the Banana chocolate cake you treated me :*

Assholes Hui Xian how dare you called me last minute to wish me and nagging on me for 37mins and 33seconds about the taiwan stuffs...Dear Hui Xian,just give me some time to think about it and i knows you will support whatever of my decisions right? You are the best friend ever :p

The last one... I reserved this for you hell girl Emily =)She haven't bought my pressy yet so i gonna re-upload the photo once i get it from her.
Yeah~yeah~yeah~ a fake coach from petaling street! LOL, don't know what am i excited for?!

The last one... I reserved this for you hell girl Emily =)She haven't bought my pressy yet so i gonna re-upload the photo once i get it from her.
Yeah~yeah~yeah~ a fake coach from petaling street! LOL, don't know what am i excited for?!

All of you completed my life and this song is dedicated for you :)
COMPLETE by SNSD ^^(I know you can't read and understand the korean words,so do me,just have to understand the last 2 sentences and this makes everything clears :D )
눈부신 계절 가득히 향기로운 거릴 지나
조심스런 내 발걸음 두근거려
저기 멀리 날 향해 웃는 그대 모습 가까워지면
세상 모든 행복이 다 내 것 같아
늦은 오후 햇살에 문득 잠에서 깨
그대 모르게 웃었죠
아직도 먼 미래의 일이겠지만
그 땐 꿈이 아니길
Just one love
우리 둘이 걸어가는 길이 같기를 바래요
Good morning 매일 아침엔
날 깨우는 그대의 전화
마치 우리 함께 맞는 아침 같아
영화처럼 건네준 예쁜 사탕보다
더욱 달콤한 그대죠
많은 시간을 따라 변하겠지만
두 손 놓지 않기를
Just For love 영원토록 마지막일 사랑
그대길 바래요
너무나 소중한걸요 그대의 사랑이
Oh It's true 오직 서로만 보며
그대 곁에 있고 싶어
많은 시간 속에 변하겠지만
두 손 놓지 않기를
Just for love 영원토록
마지막일 사랑 그대길 바래요
To make my life complete
You make my life complete