Sunday, May 23, 2010

소녀시대 hwaiting !!!

一个月,四个星期多,三十天,720个小时,43200分钟,259200秒的假期,这些时间我全都献给소녀시….人生有几个假期,不是每个人都可以像我那么疯狂把假期都花在소녀시身上~这些时间我把소녀시 hello baby,girls go to school,factory girl,invincible youth,star king,challenge 1000 songs, music bank,win win, music core, family outinginterviews etc, 只要有关她们的video我都尽量看完了, 看到眼睛超累,近视加深,体内辐射增加也是值得的啦,不是因为这样我也没机会看到她们一直的努力,她们一直的进步,我也不会有机会看到那些anti是有多么的幼稚。谢谢你们anti的幼稚,谢谢你们anti的无聊举动,是你们让到소녀시变得更优秀,更坚强!!!anti们,你们一定要要努力幼稚下去哦,只有幼稚的你们能更突显소녀시的优秀嘛,多谢了 ^^

所谓人是犯贱说的一点也没错。我真搞不懂,如果你们是讨厌소녀시就不要去观看她们的video,看了不爽还要留言恶评她们,踩她们,酸她们,講人講到好媽生咁!你们以为你们anti是什么??你们讨厌她们就应该不要去理她们,为什么你们还要花时间去看她们的新闻和表演,看了不喜欢就留言攻击她们,攻击完了还不够就搞小动作,搞完了又再去攻击她们,那么喜欢攻击人就去帮你国家打仗啊,枪械,手榴弹,坦克车什么也有,好过你们用你们的贱嘴去批评人。刚刚去看了Yoonafamily outing2 里跳舞表演给军人看,竟然有人留言说Yoona像个军妓!!!!!!!!!!!!我说啊那位粉肠先生,你的嘴巴真的有够臭的说,你从上一辈子到现在一定是食屎大,不然要有你那张没品又缺德又低俗的嘴巴和性格真不容易,你已经是绝版的贱男man XD

No matter how SNSD will still be the most awesome group~지금은 소녀시

,앞으로 소녀시대,영원히 소녀시대 !!!

Added another solo photo of Tiffany as she's my favourite now..ROFL(sorry yoona was replaced*yoonastill lovely too btw*, it was all because of Hello Baby, go watch it and you will find how cute and attracting is she..smiling eyes zzang~~
Seriously,Tiffany got to be a person you have to salute with,she always did her best and give out greatest effort in doing everything under any circumtances.Remember the first episode of GGTS? While other members went for shopping and relaxing,she alone stayed back at the practice room for practicing,she'd work hard so much :D and probably she has phobia against baby she still shows the most concerns on KyungSan in HelloBaby.
You guys anti please stop bashing,misunderstanding and hurting her, open up your heart and understand the charming Tiffany, quiting yourself from the group of old fogey^^

"SNSD's Brighter than Gems Fany Fany Tiffany!"